As an IRCA member, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of IRCA membership as set forth below. IRCA may change its membership terms and conditions at any time without notice, and each member’s continued participation in IRCA shall be considered acceptance of such changes.
An IRCA membership term is 12 months (2/1-1/31).
IRCA membership may be granted to any company, corporation, individual or other entity that:
Meets the criteria set forth for the appropriate IRCA membership category
Shares interest in and supports the purposes of IRCA
Abides by IRCA’s bylaws, Pledge of Professionalism, membership terms and conditions, and other policies, rules and regulations IRCA adopts
Meets additional criteria for the appropriate IRCA membership category as established by NRCA’s board of directors and/or Executive Committee
Applicants for IRCA membership must submit a complete and accurate membership application along with the appropriate dues payment. Applicants must provide accurate contact information and select the appropriate membership category based on the company’s or individual’s role in the roofing industry and, in some cases, annual sales volume. Applications will be approved by IRCA, and qualified applicants will become members upon notice from IRCA.
Member Categories:
Contractor Members: Any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the roofing industry is eligible to become a member of this Corporation. The term “roofing industry” includes: contractors engaged in the business of applying and/or installing all types of prepared roofing, slate, tile, metal, Neoprene-Hypalon, Elastomeric, Butyl or any other product used as a roof covering. Any person, firm or corporation eligible for membership under these Bylaws who has made written application for membership and been approved by a majority of the Board of Directors shall be a member.
Associate Delegates: Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the manufacture, wholesaling or retailing of materials used in the roofing industry shall be eligible to become an associate delegate of the Corporation.
Honorary Delegates: Persons, firms or corporations involved in the roofing, siding and insulation industry, manufacturers, jobbers or contractors who have given distinguished service to the roofing industry.
All members shall be entitled to attend the member meetings and social functions of IRCA. Only Active members (as determined by the Board) may serve on committees (subject to the approval of the Chairman of Board), vote for the election of Directors, hold office in NRCA, and serve on the Board of Directors (collectively referred to herein as the “voting members”). Each eligible voting member (or its representative, as applicable) shall have one (1) vote on all matters submitted to the voting members. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything set forth herein to the contrary, no member of IRCA shall have the right to vote, without limitation, on the amendment of IRCA’s Articles of Incorporation or bylaws or the merger or dissolution of IRCA.
In the case of a check or ACH returned as nonsufficient funds, IRCA will make an attempt to communicate with you to select an alternative payment arrangement. A nonsufficient funds fee of $30 will be added to the outstanding balance due.
Dues to IRCA are not deductible as a charitable contribution
Members will be adequately alerted should dues become delinquent and termination of IRCA membership is being considered. Active membership will end after 60 days of non-payment or withdrawal from active industry participation. Failure to comply with IRCA’s terms and conditions may result in the suspension or termination of your IRCA membership; such suspension or termination will be determined by the sole and absolute discretion of IRCA. IRCA has the right to terminate membership upon an affirmative vote of the Executive Committee to the extent allowed by applicable law. Additionally, IRCA may pursue legal action and/or equitable remedies.
IRCA respects the privacy of members and treats their personal and financial information as confidential. IRCA will not disclose any information specific to a member company without prior written permission or authorization.
The IRCA member logo features IRCA within the outline of the state of Indiana. This logo is reserved exclusively for members in good standing. If your membership has lapsed, use of the logo on any public listings, materials, websites, contracts, marketing materials, etc., is prohibited.
IRCA’s Pledge of Professionalism calls on members to hold themselves to the highest professional standards.
As an IRCA member, I pledge to:
Provide customers proof of a permanent place of business, including street address, phone number, tax identification number and, where appropriate, a business license
Exhibit professionalism, quality workmanship and readily offer customer references
Commit to worker education and safety, including complying with OSHA, EPA, DOT, etc., regulations
Honor contracts to the best of my company’s ability
Stand behind my company’s work, offering warranties and/or guaranties, where appropriate
Make recommendations to customers about increasing energy efficiency, where appropriate
For contractors:
Provide liability and worker’s compensation insurance coverage for each roofing job
Provide detailed written proposals, descriptions of the work to be performed, start and completion dates, and payment policies and procedures
Provide properly maintained and clean job sites
Identify the roofing manufacturers with whom my company has licensed or approved applicator agreements
By agreeing to NRCA’s membership terms and conditions, you acknowledge and agree to this pledge.
By agreeing to IRCA membership terms and conditions, you agree to receive IRCA’s electronic newsletter, and email communications from IRCA. IRCA’s email communications may contain limited commercial messages.
By providing a phone number, you expressly authorize and consent to receive calls and messages, including automated messages, from IRCA. Agreeing to IRCA’s membership terms and conditions serves as authorization for IRCA to use the designated preferred contact phone number to provide relevant information. You may revoke your consent and “opt out” of receiving future communications by simply contacting NRCA Customer Service.